Genetic map of rat chromosome 5 including the fatty (fa) locus.
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Abstract | Thirteen loci, including the obesity gene fatty (fa), were incorporated into a linkage map of rat Chromosome (Chr) 5. These loci were mapped in obese (fa/fa) progeny of a cross between BN x 13M-fal+F1 animals. Obese rats were scored for BN and 13M alleles at four loci (Ifna, D1S85h, C8b, and Lck1) by restriction fragment length polymorphisms and at eight additional loci (Glut1, Sv4j2, R251, R735, R980, R252, R371, and R1138) by simple sequence length polymorphisms (SSLP). The resulting map spans 67.3 cM of Chr5, presenting nine previously unmapped loci and one locus (Lck1) previously assigned to Chr 5 by use of somatic cell hybrid lines. Seven of the eight SSLP loci are newly identified; the SSLP linkage group alone spans 56.8 cM. The order of the loci is Sv4j2-R251-R735-R980-R1138-Ifna-fa-+ ++D1S85h-C8b-(Glut1-R252-R371)-Lck1. One locus, D1S85h, was found to lie only 0.4 cM from fa, close enough to serve as a reliable marker for the prediction of phenotype from genotype, and will be useful also for studies on the development of obesity in the fatty rat. |
Year of Publication | 1995
Journal | Mamm Genome
Volume | 6
Issue | 1
Pages | 25-30
Date Published | 1995 Jan
ISSN | 0938-8990
PubMed ID | 7719022
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Grant list | 5P30-DK-26687 / DK / NIDDK NIH HHS / United States
DK-41096 / DK / NIDDK NIH HHS / United States
HD-28047 / HD / NICHD NIH HHS / United States