Predictability and persistence of prebiotic dietary supplementation in a healthy human cohort.
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Abstract | Dietary interventions to manipulate the human gut microbiome for improved health have received increasing attention. However, their design has been limited by a lack of understanding of the quantitative impact of diet on a host's microbiota. We present a highly controlled diet perturbation experiment in a healthy, human cohort in which individual micronutrients are spiked in against a standardized background. We identify strong and predictable responses of specific microbes across participants consuming prebiotic spike-ins, at the level of both strains and functional genes, suggesting fine-scale resource partitioning in the human gut. No predictable responses to non-prebiotic micronutrients were found. Surprisingly, we did not observe decreases in day-to-day variability of the microbiota compared to a complex, varying diet, and instead found evidence of diet-induced stress and an associated loss of biodiversity. Our data offer insights into the effect of a low complexity diet on the gut microbiome, and suggest that effective personalized dietary interventions will rely on functional, strain-level characterization of a patient's microbiota. |
Year of Publication | 2018
Journal | Sci Rep
Volume | 8
Issue | 1
Pages | 12699
Date Published | 2018 08 23
ISSN | 2045-2322
DOI | 10.1038/s41598-018-30783-1
PubMed ID | 30139999
PubMed Central ID | PMC6107591
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Grant list | P30 DK043351 / DK / NIDDK NIH HHS / United States
T32 GM007753 / GM / NIGMS NIH HHS / United States