Epigenetic programming of monocyte-to-macrophage differentiation and trained innate immunity.
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Abstract | Monocyte differentiation into macrophages represents a cornerstone process for host defense. Concomitantly, immunological imprinting of either tolerance or trained immunity determines the functional fate of macrophages and susceptibility to secondary infections. We characterized the transcriptomes and epigenomes in four primary cell types: monocytes and in vitro-differentiated naïve, tolerized, and trained macrophages. Inflammatory and metabolic pathways were modulated in macrophages, including decreased inflammasome activation, and we identified pathways functionally implicated in trained immunity. β-glucan training elicits an exclusive epigenetic signature, revealing a complex network of enhancers and promoters. Analysis of transcription factor motifs in deoxyribonuclease I hypersensitive sites at cell-type-specific epigenetic loci unveiled differentiation and treatment-specific repertoires. Altogether, we provide a resource to understand the epigenetic changes that underlie innate immunity in humans. |
Year of Publication | 2014
Journal | Science
Volume | 345
Issue | 6204
Pages | 1251086
Date Published | 2014 Sep 26
ISSN | 1095-9203
URL | |
DOI | 10.1126/science.1251086
PubMed ID | 25258085
PubMed Central ID | PMC4242194
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Grant list | P30 DK043351 / DK / NIDDK NIH HHS / United States
RG/09/012/28096 / British Heart Foundation / United Kingdom
RP-PG-0310-1002 / Department of Health / United Kingdom