Mutagenesis. Smoking is associated with mosaic loss of chromosome Y.
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Abstract | Tobacco smoking is a risk factor for numerous disorders, including cancers affecting organs outside the respiratory tract. Epidemiological data suggest that smoking is a greater risk factor for these cancers in males compared with females. This observation, together with the fact that males have a higher incidence of and mortality from most non-sex-specific cancers, remains unexplained. Loss of chromosome Y (LOY) in blood cells is associated with increased risk of nonhematological tumors. We demonstrate here that smoking is associated with LOY in blood cells in three independent cohorts [TwinGene: odds ratio (OR) = 4.3, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 2.8 to 6.7; Uppsala Longitudinal Study of Adult Men: OR = 2.4, 95% CI = 1.6 to 3.6; and Prospective Investigation of the Vasculature in Uppsala Seniors: OR = 3.5, 95% CI = 1.4 to 8.4] encompassing a total of 6014 men. The data also suggest that smoking has a transient and dose-dependent mutagenic effect on LOY status. The finding that smoking induces LOY thus links a preventable risk factor with the most common acquired human mutation. |
Year of Publication | 2015
Journal | Science
Volume | 347
Issue | 6217
Pages | 81-3
Date Published | 2015 Jan 02
ISSN | 1095-9203
URL | |
DOI | 10.1126/science.1262092
PubMed ID | 25477213
PubMed Central ID | PMC4356728
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Grant list | 098017 / Wellcome Trust / United Kingdom
WT090532 / Wellcome Trust / United Kingdom
WT098017 / Wellcome Trust / United Kingdom
086596/Z/08/Z / Wellcome Trust / United Kingdom
WT064890 / Wellcome Trust / United Kingdom
DK U01-066134 / DK / NIDDK NIH HHS / United States