Allele-Specific Chromatin Recruitment and Therapeutic Vulnerabilities of ESR1 Activating Mutations.
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Abstract | Estrogen receptor α (ER) ligand-binding domain (LBD) mutations are found in a substantial number of endocrine treatment-resistant metastatic ER-positive (ER) breast cancers. We investigated the chromatin recruitment, transcriptional network, and genetic vulnerabilities in breast cancer models harboring the clinically relevant ER mutations. These mutants exhibit both ligand-independent functions that mimic estradiol-bound wild-type ER as well as allele-specific neomorphic properties that promote a pro-metastatic phenotype. Analysis of the genome-wide ER binding sites identified mutant ER unique recruitment mediating the allele-specific transcriptional program. Genetic screens identified genes that are essential for the ligand-independent growth driven by the mutants. These studies provide insights into the mechanism of endocrine therapy resistance engendered by ER mutations and potential therapeutic targets. |
Year of Publication | 2018
Journal | Cancer Cell
Volume | 33
Issue | 2
Pages | 173-186.e5
Date Published | 2018 02 12
ISSN | 1878-3686
DOI | 10.1016/j.ccell.2018.01.004
PubMed ID | 29438694
PubMed Central ID | PMC5813700
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Grant list | K08 CA191058 / CA / NCI NIH HHS / United States
P01 CA080111 / CA / NCI NIH HHS / United States
R35 CA210057 / CA / NCI NIH HHS / United States