gametocytes display homing and vascular transmigration in the host bone marrow.
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Abstract | Transmission of parasites to the mosquito requires the formation and development of gametocytes. Studies in infected humans have shown that only the most mature forms of gametocytes are present in circulation, whereas immature forms accumulate in the hematopoietic environment of the bone marrow. We used the rodent model to study gametocyte behavior through time under physiological conditions. Intravital microscopy demonstrated preferential homing of early gametocyte forms across the intact vascular barrier of the bone marrow and the spleen early during infection and subsequent development in the extravascular environment. During the acute phase of infection, we observed vascular leakage resulting in further parasite accumulation in this environment. Mature gametocytes showed high deformability and were found entering and exiting the intact vascular barrier. We suggest that extravascular gametocyte localization and mobility are essential for gametocytogenesis and transmission of to the mosquito. |
Year of Publication | 2018
Journal | Sci Adv
Volume | 4
Issue | 5
Pages | eaat3775
Date Published | 2018 05
ISSN | 2375-2548
DOI | 10.1126/sciadv.aat3775
PubMed ID | 29806032
PubMed Central ID | PMC5966192
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Grant list | R01 AI077558 / AI / NIAID NIH HHS / United States
R01 AI034969 / AI / NIAID NIH HHS / United States
Wellcome Trust / United Kingdom